Leading Solar Energy Provider Dramatically Improves First-Call Resolution and Cases Created through Provalus Partnership
July 5, 2024


A leading solar energy company recognized that delivering exceptional customer experience was key to the success of their technical support desk, which handled service and technical issues via chat, calls, and email. Facing a backlog of cases over three years old, they needed a partner with deep expertise in technical support and innovative solutions to tackle their low customer satisfaction and high rates of repeat callers—both of which were driving up call volumes and dragging down their first-call resolution (FCR).


The client knew that delivering seamless, responsive support was crucial for swiftly resolving issues, boosting customer loyalty, and distinguishing themselves in the highly competitive solar market. With a backlog of stale cases, selecting the right partner was critical. Provalus was chosen as the onshore support provider and quickly outperformed their offshore counterpart, immediately delivering superior results.

98% Improvement

of first-call resolution

60% Decrease

in cases created


Provalus is people-centered. We hire dedicated, U.S.-based individuals who are billed at sub-U.S. onshore rates. We are revitalizing rural communities while providing our customers with the best possible talent. By joining us on our mission to revitalize rural America, our clients help us breathe new life into every small town we call home by creating numerous IT careers.

Based on the client’s goals, we:

  • Focused on improving first-call resolution (FCR) as a priority.
  • Implemented calibration of FCR metric and established a mutually agreed-upon calculation with the client.
  • Enhanced customer satisfaction through targeted FCR improvements.
  • Reduced the number of new cases created, resulting in lower call volumes.

After engaging with Provalus, the client experienced significant improvements across the board. Provalus quickly became the trusted partner for new initiatives and the design of process efficiencies. Our recruitment and training of Technical Support Engineers (TSEs) resulted in higher-caliber talent compared to both internal and offshore teams. Additionally, enhanced efficiency and streamlined processes boosted operational performance and drove higher job satisfaction, leading to a marked reduction in attrition rates.

Client Testimonial

“I cannot begin to thank you for all the tremendous work you have done over the past year and a half. I have had the opportunity to partner with a number of teams across the globe over the years, but this relationship was something special. Your professionalism, flexibility, and overall “can-do” attitude were above and beyond all expectations. It seemed like we consistently threw new challenges your way and each time you stepped up with solutions. I particularly appreciated the consultation and feedback the team provided which had a direct impact on how we looked at running our own business. This is the very definition of partnership.


While I am very sad that our partnership is coming to an end, I can’t help but reflect on the time together and not call it a huge success. It is unfortunate that our industry is having to make significant changes to adjust to market pressures – we have had to say goodbye to a lot of friends. But this in no way should be viewed as a reflection of the world-class support the Provalus team provides and I will continue to be one of your biggest advocates.”

- WFM Director, Customer Care

Leading Solar Energy Provider

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